For you. . . for them.

Digging Deeper Into Who You Are

archive-collection-sampleDigging into your family’s history is a very personal journey.

My interview in the January issue of Main Street Magazine explores how inspiring that journey can be.

Read Full Article Here:
Digging Deeper Into Who You Are;
Main Street Magazine, January 2021

When people think about their family tree and wanting to know more, what is it that they are longing for? It’s the stories. How did family members manage in difficult circumstances? What were their challenges? The details of their lives show how and why they made their choices. 

We hold the legacies of [our own] stories in our hands. This past year may be one we all want to scratch, but our children and grandchildren will want to know what it was like. They will have no idea, unless we bring the stories to them.

Keren Weiner; Digging Into Our Roots, Main Street Magazine


To inquire about a genealogy project, email or call 413-499-9980 and I'll help you discover your family’s history.