For you. . . for them.

Tracing Our Roots

keren-weiner_berkshirejewishvoice_jan2018My work was featured in the January 2018 issue of Berkshire Jewish Voice.

In the article, I describe the impact of genealogy, a bit about my methods, and in particular, my approach to Jewish genealogy.

Read Full Article Here:
Tracing Our Roots
Berkshire Jewish Voice
, January 2018

“Getting connected to a timeline can be revelatory. It can change the way a person looks at life and family. . . . Preserving the stories of the past and capturing documents that fill in our back stories lets us draw threads of experience through our own lives and preserve them for future generations.”


To inquire about a genealogy project, email or call 413-499-9980 and I'll help you discover your family’s history.