

The Tools of the Trade

The internet is used, as a matter of course. There are certain documents found on the web that are always included in the research project, such as United States Census records. However, this is nowhere near a replacement for obtaining documents “on foot” or by mail, from physical archives such as the National Archives, Municipal Archives, Libraries, Historical Societies, Courts and other genealogical collection locations.

In addition, you may have relatives for me to meet with in person or by telephone or email, so that I can conduct interviews with them about the family. These are comfortable, non-threatening explorations that I approach with sensitivity–and only occur after you have obtained their permission.

No Stone Unturned

When the parameters of the project are set, a price will be established for the research project. Then a simple letter of agreement detailing the scope and deliverables will be sent to you. It’s signed and returned with a check for a portion of the total cost plus a pre-agreed upon amount for out-of-pocket expenses such as for the purchase of documents from various archives. Know that the research product will be pursued with a rigorous passion for going “all out.”

When the research project is handed over, the remaining part of the fee will be due. During the project we might communicate by phone or email occasionally, but after the project is finished, an in-person meeting or a Zoom meeting is arranged for the research presentation.

Keren’s presentation to my family was stunning. She connected with all of us, her deep historical knowledge of the “old country” evident, her passion for her job incredible, and her warmth and caring obvious. My parents were thrilled and excited. 

The presentation was amazing and opened our eyes to so much information. Keren also left us with two phenomenal sets of documents, brilliantly organized with acid free sleeves, a narrative report of what she’d gone over with us, including maps and family trees for us to treasure and study at our leisure.  


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